16/0178/COMP &22/0077/COMP: The Old Boot Public House - Unauthorised Works: Extension of car park into adjacent field / Erection of a marquee (David Heighton)
Planning permission granted. Site visit required before closing case. It should be noted that we have received a complaint regarding the marquee so this will be opened a new case.
A complaint has also very recently been raised in respect of the marquee and whether it requires planning permission. Our view is that the marquee is likely to require planning permission if it remains in its current positon. The owner will be made aware to submit a planning application for its temporary erection (mainly during summer months) given a permanent marquee (that constitutes development would be unacceptable from a heritage perspective).
18/0097/COMP: Three Ways, Poles Hill – Material change of use from single dwellinghouse to two dwellings (converted garage) (Scott Volker)
Planning Contravention Notice issued. 19/2294/CLED then refused. Further PCN to be issued to clarify use as it’s not clear if used as two separate dwellings.
18/0178/COMP: Coltspring Riding Stables, Sarratt Road - Material Change of Use: Conversion of stable block into residential dwelling (David Heighton)
Monitoring, previous 18/2531/CLED considered that dwelling was ancillary to the wider use of the site and therefore was not a material change of use.
19/0118/COMP: Blacketts Nursery, Rousebarn Lane - Unauthorised Material Change Of Use - business in operation (David Heighton)
Officer researching into the planning history before writing to land owner.
19/0177/COMP: Silverfields, Bucks Hill - Replacement outbuilding (not for a purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling) and alterations to garage (Aaron Roberts)
Works to the garage are immune from enforcement action as they took place 4 years prior to original complaint (evidence has been provided). The outbuilding is used for general household storage so case will be closed.
20/0171/COMP: Fir Trees, Dawes Lane, Sarratt - New access and erection of gates (David Heighton)
Enforcement notice served and came into effect. No appeal made so notice required to be complied with by 7th May 2022. Officer has visited and will be writing to advise that notice has not been complied with. Matter to be passed to legal department shortly if no remedial works have taken place.
20/0005/COMP: Ainsworth Cattery, Bucks Hill - Installation of gates, fencing and hardstanding (David Heighton)
Assessment on-going.
20/0077/COMP: Grove Lodge, Fir Tree Hill - Unauthorised fencing works in the Green Belt (David Heighton)
Fencing requires planning permission as over 1m in height adjacent to road. Owner made aware that the fencing at this height is unacceptable. Notice likely to be drafted in coming months.
20/0219/COMP: Poachers Retreat, Penmans Green, Sarratt - Works not in accordance with 18/1408/PDA - Alleged demolition of building (David Heighton)
Works considered in accordance with PDA. Case to be closed.
20/0224/COMP: Moonpenny Farm, Bucks Hill, Kings Langley - Change of use from agriculture to equestrian and associated works (Matthew Roberts)
Site visit undertaken, a few field shelters have been erected which are movable and not significant enough to constitute development and thus do not require planning permission. As it stands, the use still appears to be agricultural as animals grazing on the land however further visits to take place. Site visits have taken place following complaints regarding access road; however, the deviated works were simply backfilling a service trench. Use of land still as agriculture. Monitoring when in the area.
21/0002/COMP: Barn at Dellfield Farm - Unauthorised works to converted barn including extension of residential curtilage (Aaron Roberts)
Officer visits, breach identified, Officer to write to owners.
21/0021/COMP: Hill Top, Penmans Hill, Chipperfield - Unauthorised windows and doors in existing openings (David Heighton)
Site visit required.
21/0025/COMP: 38 Dawes Lane, Sarratt - Works not in accordance with 20/2628/PDE or 20/1387/CLPD and alterations to porch (David Heighton)
Planning application submitted and granted under 21/0973/FUL. Raised terrace to be removed. Officers waiting for access.
21/0047/COMP: New Model Farm, Sarratt Road, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth - Barn conversion to offices (David Heighton)
Owner advised that works relate to a historic permission which had lawfully commenced (8/423/91) which was allowed at appeal. The owner also confirmed that the use of land for aviation is carried out in accordance with the Air Navigation Order and for no more than 28 days a year (permitted development).
21/0102/COMP – Callipers Cottage, Penmans Green, Sarratt - Works not in accordance with 18/2116/FUL - Roof Height (Scott Volker)
Planning permission required for works as they have beyond the scope of the planning permission. Owner informed and given a deadline to submit a planning application.
21/0143/COMP – Winchwood, Windmill Hill, Chipperfield - Material change of use: Extension of residential curtilage (David Heighton)
Officer undertaken visit and looking into matter.
21/0144/COMP – Woodlea House, Windmill Hill, Chipperfield - Material change of use: Extension of residential curtilage (David Heighton)
Officer undertaken visit and looking into matter.
21/0145/COMP – Land adjoining Blenheim Cottage, Bucks Hill, Sarratt - Unauthorised works: Removal of hedgerow / widening of access and unauthorised use of land for event/caravan site (Matthew Roberts)
Following the end of the temporary event an enforcement notice was served in respect of the works to the access. The enforcement appeal has been dismissed (24 May 22) with the notice requirements upheld. Compliance with the notice is now expected by 24 August 2022.
An permanent injunction has now been obtained.
A site visit will take place on or shortly after 24 August to check on compliance. If the notice has not been complied with the matter will be escalated to our legal department to consider next steps.
21/0180/COMP – Potten Farm, Chandlers Lane - Breach of Planning Conditions 5, 6, 7 & 8 of 18/0454/FUL (Matthew Roberts)
Letter sent, Approval of Details application submitted under 21/2611/DIS & new application under 21/2612/FUL (pending consideration).
21/0193/COMP – Vine Cottage, The Green – unauthorised fencing (Scott Volker)
Enforcement Notice served. See attached.
22/0014/COMP – Morar, Dimmocks Lane, Sarratt - Installation of non obscured first floor windows and works not in accordance with 21/1090/FUL (David Heighton)
Site visit undertaken and owner advised of requirements to ensure compliance with GPDO. Works to be altered.
22/0019/COMP – Land at Long Spring, Sarratt Lane - Felling of protected trees and creation of access (Matt Roberts)
Application has now been submitted under 22/0346/RSP. Removal of trees has been subject to investigations by the Landscape department and Forestry Commission – conclusion was that re-planting is to take place following submission of tree works application to the Council (this has now been submitted). Planning application is still pending as highway and ecology concerns remain. An extension of time has been granted until the end of August as the applicant seeks to instruct professional highway/ecology consultants.
22/0031/COMP - Ravenswood Farm, Church Lane, Sarratt (Clara Loveland) - Residential use of agricultural buildings (Clara Loveland)
Following site visits we have also served a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) which has been responded to. Having regard to the evidence received the Case Officer is now working on an enforcement notice given our current view is that the building is not immune from enforcement action (i.e. via the 4 year rule) with its use also requiring planning permission. We will be considering whether our notice requires the complete removal of the building or the cessation of the use and the associated works (i.e. domestic windows etc). We anticipate that a notice will be served before the end of September to ensure we remain within the 4 years to have a good chance of success if appealed.
22/0043/COMP – Land opposite Great Sarratt Hall, The Green, Sarratt - Use of barn as a mechanic workshop (Clara Loveland)
Site visit undertaken. Further discussions to take place on this.
22/0079/COMP – Land at Brickfield Spring, Langleybury – Unauthorised erection of an earth bund and removal of protected trees - (Matt & Clara) (not 100% if this falls within the parish boundary but it’s likely so included)
Following site visit works to the bund have ceased. The works require planning permission and a letter requiring its removal (in conjunction with advice sought from an arboriculturalist) has been sent out. Enforcement action likely to follow if no action taken. Bund is to be removed in the coming weeks.
In addition a number of trees (Approx.30) were removed during an evening in rather suspicious circumstances which leads me to believe it may have been someone unconnected with the site. However, I have a meeting with our legal team and tree officer to discuss this next week. The stumps remain so it’s likely that subject to some slight lowering of the stumps the trees could re-grow.
22/0083/COMP – Holly Hedges Wood, Olleberrie Lane - Unauthorised material change of use: Caravan used for residential purposes (Scott)
Site visit to take place.
22/0106/COMP – Hollymead, Bucks Hill, Kings Langley - Works not in accordance - Unauthorised Demolition (Scott)
Owner made aware that the works are not in accordance with Prior Approval so works should cease and discussions sought with the LPA.
The Mulberry Bush
Officers currently in process of putting together a Planning Contravention Notice, covering the following points before considering enforcement action. This is to be completed asap and checked over before issued. Due to Officers annual leave, it is hoped that this will be issued in August.
- Unauthorised commercial use of barn by Carefree Camping
- Unauthorised use of barn for mixed use school/home schooling and holiday rental purposes
- Unauthorised fenestration detailing (UPVC) to a number of barns
- Unauthorised use of a barn for independent residential purposes
- Unauthorised engineering operation to form a pond
- Use of Polly-tunnels